Sunday, August 11, 2013

Blueberries, the county fair, and kimchi

Our first couple of days home have been great! Avi is taking to her new life very well. It's actually much easier than we had hoped. She's a fearless little girl who doesn't like naps. She just fights going to sleep like it's her job. Nights have been a little rough as she's a fitful sleeper. But Ann and I have taken turns and its made the job doable.

She's more accepting of me even though I'm clearly not the favorite. At least she allows me to hold her and change her. Naps, bedtime and overall comforting are still Ann's turf. But every day there is a little improvement.

We've been taking little outings to the park and today we hit up the county fair. We found out she's a fan of snakes, bunnies, goats and chickens. The horses and llamas she could take or leave. We went with our good friends Irina, Emily and Nelly. Emily did a fantastic job guiding Avi around and gave her some wonderful stuffed animal gifts that she held onto the entire ride home.

Last night we had our first breakthrough with communication. We learned the subtle difference between "high-five" and "fist-bump" and she is now proficient at both and thrilled to dole them out on request.

We've found she likes a lot of the asian foods we do. Kimchi, miso soup, and seaweed paper are some of her favorites. She likes the tofu the best out of the miso soup. Blueberries took a couple of attempts but we finally decided they were okay. We learned at the fair today that you eat melon on the orange part, not the rind. And Cheerios are always a favorite. Of course the biggest hit of all was strawberry ice cream. We pretty much licked the cup dry. 

As giving away her food and toys seems to be one of her favorite things, she was happy to feed the goats and even try to feed Nelly. Nelly didn't really like the animal feed. 

Ann, Avi, Emily, Nelly and Irina on our way through the Animial Pavilion at the Denver County Fair. 

That's kimchi, blueberries and miso with rice.
Notice that the blueberries went first this time.

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